High Vacuum Mobile Extraction Unit installation at Plymouth Dockyard

January 14th, 2021 1 minutes

by Stephen Jackson

Climavent were approached to design, supply and commission a Mobile Ventilation System for the extraction of dust and fumes arising from various hot working processes at a shipyard in Plymouth, England.

The specification covered the implementation of a Mobile Extraction Ventilation System with the capability of effectively filtering contaminants to minimal levels to allow the recirculation of extracted air back into the workplace. Climavent were contracted to provide 18no DH2000-40 High Vacuum Extraction Units, each supporting a maximum of 16 work positions, along with all the associated ducting, manifolds and hoods for each, and to provide suitable lifting frames to assist with the elevating and movement of the units on site.

The nature of the site meant that tight restrictions were in place in terms of the size of the unit required. With this in mind, Climavent designed a bespoke unit to sit within a shipping container that could be positioned into place on the dockyard.

Climavent looks forward to designing more of these units in the coming months.

For further information, please Contact Us.